Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Goldfish Dilemma

This past week I took Chloe and Katie to Bluewater lake for fishing and a night of camping.
We loaded up the dogs, some good music for the road and my trusty fishing rods.
Little did we know that the week we chose to visit would be a smelly one.
Over the years people have been dumping unwanted pet goldfish into Bluewater lake and now it has become overpopulated. The whole balance of this once beautiful lake is in real jeapordy. When we arrived the rangers were diligently trying to clean up what looked like a masacre of thousand of huge bloated goldfish off the beach. The stench of rotting fish and the swarms of flies were everywhere. The rangers told me that after the fish spawn they die and so we happen to arrive when this awful occuranace took place. While this happens only once a year, Bluewater Lake will have to deal with this awful problem untill they can erradicate the Goldfish.
Its amazing how much damage man can make by tossing an unwanted pet into a once pristine lake.